Web development.100% bespoke builds.

Who wants to be just another name on the web? Instead, establish a strong and memorable online presence that sets you apart from the competition. Based in Hertfordshire, we're Certified WP Engine Agency Partners.

100% tailored websites

We build sites from the ground up, so you get the site that best meets your business and customer needs.

WP Engine Certified

We're experienced WordPress UK-based web developers and Certified WP Engine Agency Partners.

Accessible & secure sites

We build to WCAG 2.1 standards and use WordFence for Web Application Firewall website security.

Fast loading websites

Speed matters. We use LiteSpeed and CloudFlare to create high-speed sites that load quickly globally.

High-speed, fully bespoke websites from a UK-based web agency.

There’s no denying the power of a well-developed website. Web development is essential for ensuring the seamless functioning of your website, from the layout to complex features. It serves as the gateway for customers to discover and interact with your business.

At Submerge, we provide a wide range of web development services that cater to our clients’ needs. Our team is equipped to handle everything from building simple websites to establishing comprehensive ecommerce platforms and sophisticated web functions.

We build 100% bespoke websites using ACF Pro, PHP, CSS, JavaScript and HTML in WordPress. We use the industry-standard Bootstrap framework for all device compatibility, as well as deploying semantic coding that is optimised for site crawls.

We never Gutenberg Blocks as they are too limited in functionality and limit future client control (a typical agency tactic), and we do not use proprietary CMS controls or lock you into legacy systems. Our development is 100% tailored to you, and 100% built from the ground up from our 100% in-house UK development team.

SEMrush Agency Partner

We’re a fully Certified SEMrush Agency Partner – giving you a fast track to tried and tested SEO experts.

WP Engine Agency Partner

We’re a Certified WP Engine Agency Partner delivering professional SEO-ready web development at scale.

Cyber Essentials Certified

We’re Cyber Essentials Certified and part of HMG’s Communication Marketplace for UK public procurement.

We work with brilliant brands

Web Development Stack

We actively use a range of tools carefully selected for a WordPress development environment. From auditing and frameworks to security, version control and optimisation, we’re fully open about what we use and how.

Our tech stack and web development pipeline includes Bootstrap, ACF Pro, WordPress, WordFence, BitBucket, Sourcetree and LiteSpeed.

We use technologies such as WordPress Multi-Language for international and mult-site development, and integrate with platforms such as WP Engine, Hostinger and CloudFlare for hosting and CDN delivery.

  • 100% industry-standard tech stack – 0% proprietary technology.
  • Tried. Tested. Tried again. Our web tools scale to any project.
  • Bullet-proof development, version control, rollbacks and staging.

100% Bespoke Web Development

We never develop cut-&-paste, reused websites. Each web development is tailored entirely to each individual client. All our sites are 100% created from the ground up. That means you get the functionality, customer journeys, look-&-feel that your online presence deserves. No compromise.

We use the industry-standard Bootstrap framework, and code with PHP, CSS, JavaScript and HTML. We use foundation technologies such as ACF Pro, providing flexible, responsive web site development in WordPress.

Our tech stack is entirely industry-standard – we don’t use proprietary technology so you’re not locked into unfair ongoing service arrangements.

High Performance Web Sites

At Submerge we focus on performance, just without the drama. We engineer fast, effective websites. Performance across the site – from caching strategies and image optimisation to database performance – is critical to ensure that your site operates efficiently.

We use effective caching frameworks such as LiteSpeed and CloudFlare, minification and concatenation of code, asynchronous and lazy loading, with scores checked in the likes of Google Lighthouse.

We use commercial platforms such as BrowserStack for live cross-browser and cross-device UAT and QA testing, ensuring that your site is accessible and functional across different browsers and devices.

  • Faster sites help increase rankings in Google.
  • High-performance sites help boost website conversion.
  • Testing matters, ensuring sites work across desktop and mobile.

Accessible, Secure Websites

Security and accessibility are at the heart of every web development project. We think everyone should be able to access all areas. When developing in WordPress and migrating existing websites, incorporating key accessibility considerations is crucial to ensure sites are inclusive and compliant with standards like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

We use WordFence and CloudFlare for multi-layer site security, including real-time 24/7 threat monitoring, multi-factor access control, traffic throttling for DDoS attack prevention and geo-location blocking. We use Uptime Robot to provide 24/7 site uptime monitoring.

Start a project with us

Web development that delivers (and then some)

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Position your business as the go-to solution with a seamless online experience.

We’re a real-life, UK-based, 100% in-house web development agency based in Hertfordshire. We never, ever outsource or offshore our development. We use WordPress and build sites of all sizes. All our website developments are fully designed, built and deployed to support business and commercial goals.


Total number of websites worldwide using WordPress as its CMS.


Of customers are less likely to return after a bad website experience.


Of web users expect commercial websites to load in less than two seconds.


Of all websites globally use the Bootstrap framework for development.

"Submerge are incredibly reliable, flexible and helpful."

Bill Wyman, musician and former bass player, Rolling Stones

Accessible sites. Bulletproof security. We engineer sites for performance.

Web development is more than simply building a site. We ensure it's accessible. That payment systems work (and people don't abandon their basket). That analytics and CRM is in place. It's your site, so we build it your way.

  • Fast, quick-loading sites.
  • Bulletproof security.
  • Regular maintenance.

Effective web development is essential in crafting an optimal online experience for your users. It is crucial to demonstrate that you value your customers’ time and effort by offering a website that is not only responsive and engaging but also functional. However, having a website is not enough – your platform must be streamlined, secure, and offer seamless navigation to impress your users.

We’ve worked on large, international multi-site to ecommerce sites for SMEs. Our team has worked in digital development positions for major UK brands – so we’ve see that and been there. Our processes and systems reflect our years of experience in building websites.

The benefits of web development are substantial when done right. A well-built website has the power to generate a lasting impression that goes beyond a single visit. It facilitates a distinct digital identity that your users will recognise and trust time and again. By partnering with us, you’ll have access to a team of experts dedicated to bringing these benefits to fruition for your business. Bring your brand to the forefront of digital.

Web Development FAQs

Web design focuses on the visual elements and layout of a website, ensuring it is both visually appealing and user-friendly. Web development, on the other hand, involves turning that design into a functional website. Think of it as the difference between an architect who designs a building and a builder who constructs it.

The time to develop a website can vary depending on your requirements. For a basic site, it might take a few weeks, but more complex websites with custom features can take months to complete. The timeline will depend on the specific functionalities you need and the feedback process.

To ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, we start by implementing responsive design principles. This technique allows web pages to automatically adjust and display optimally based on the device’s screen size, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. We also pay special attention to mobile navigation, ensuring that buttons, links, and menus are easily accessed and the site’s structure is intuitive.

Load times are critical, so we optimise images and other content to ensure quick load times on mobile devices. We also regularly test the site’s mobile performance across different devices and browsers to identify and correct any issues, ensuring a seamless mobile experience for all users.


Creating SEO-friendly websites is a key part of our web development process. We understand the importance of SEO in improving online visibility and follow best practices to achieve this.

We use semantic HTML markup to improve site structure, create XML sitemaps for better crawlability, and incorporate schema markup for enriched search results.

Additionally, we focus on optimising website speed, mobile-friendliness, and creating SEO-optimised URLs. All these steps make your website more accessible and recognisable to search engines, improving your rankings on the search engine results page (SERP) and making it easier for potential customers to find you.

We have a dedicated, in-house SEO team at Submerge who work on major SEO projects. That means our website builds are fully SEO supported right from the start.

Choosing the right platform or language for your website depends on its specific needs. In many cases, we use platforms like WordPress for their flexibility and user-friendliness. For custom functionalities, we might use languages like PHP or JavaScript. We always make sure to choose the best fit for your website’s specific requirements.

We’re WP Engine Agency Partners, giving us access to deep tech stacks, on-demand support and tools to ensure your site is hosted effectively and coded brilliantly.

Ensuring security is of utmost importance to us. We implement industry best practices such as using secure hosting, keeping software updated, and setting up web application firewalls (WAF) to ensure maximum protection against potential threats. We recognise the importance of regular backups, so we make sure to have them in place.

We use WordFence to provide 24/7 real-time threat monitoring, scanning and protection, and CloudFlare to prevent DDoS attacks and configure bespoke WAF settings for your site. Submerge is Cyber Essentials Certified – so that means we’ve been audited to National Cyber Security Centre standards.

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