Competitor analysis.Take the lead.

Planning your next marketing move can be difficult when you aren’t anticipating your competition. Our Hertfordshire-based marketing competitor analysis team puts you one step ahead of the competition with actionable insights that get you on the front foot. SEMrush Certified Agency Partner.

Website competitors

Find out how your competitors' websites are performing – traffic, most-viewed pages, most popular products and domain authority.

Competitor SEO analysis

Learn what your competitors are ranking for, what keywords they're winning, and what are the keyword gaps and opportunities.

Social media competitors

Likes, followers and engagement. We go beneath the surface to unearth how competitors are performing on social.

Paid PPC competitors

Discover competitor bidding strategies, target keywords and insights into the ad creative and paid advertising strategies.

It pays to understand your competition. We shine a light on their performance.

At Submerge, we don’t believe in avoiding the competition. Neither should you if you want your business to actively compete and win.

We get stuck into the competitive data. From traffic analysis (ever wondered how much traffic a competitor site gets, and to what pages?) to social media sentiment, your competitors are an open book to us. Marketing competitor analysis is at the heart of what we do.

We conduct all types of research – including SEO competitor analysis, competitor website analysis and social media competitor analysis. Our marketing competitor analysis services are designed to gather as much data as possible. And not just any data – the right data.

Our analysis helps you make informed decisions about how to position your products or services, identify gaps in the market and exploit competitors’ weaknesses while enhancing your own strengths.

SEMrush Agency Partner

We’re a fully Certified SEMrush Agency Partner – giving you a fast track to tried and tested SEO experts.

WP Engine Agency Partner

We’re a Certified WP Engine Agency Partner delivering professional SEO-ready web development at scale.

Cyber Essentials Certified

We’re Cyber Essentials Certified and part of HMG’s Communication Marketplace for UK public procurement.

We work with brilliant brands

SEO Competitor Analysis

Want to understand how your competitors are beating your site in Google rankings?

SEO (search engine optimisation) is how websites rank on search engines such as Google. Our SEO assessment focuses on examining your competitors’ SEO strategies using industry-standard tools such as SEMrush, Screaming Frog and Majestic.

We find out know what keywords they’re targeting, how SEO-compatible their website structure is, if they have quality backlinks and where they rank in search engine results. We can see what keywords they’re winning, what pages keywords are driving traffic to and what content tactics are being used to succeed.

With this information, we can help you better position your website, ensuring that when your target audience is searching for products or services you offer, they find you before they find the competition. After an SEO assessment, we can work to build an SEO strategy for your website for better SEO visibility to give you an extra edge.

  • Learn what keywords competitors are ranking for.
  • Discover the topics of content customers are engaging with.
  • Monitor competitor search ranking performance and visibility.

Website Competitor Analysis

Ever wondered how your competitor’s website is performing?

Our website performance analysis service dives deep into your competitor’s online presence. We look at how well their site is designed, its speed, how easy it is to navigate and overall functionality. We crawl their website with specialist tools, and assess their page speed, backlink profile and – critically – what product, service and informational pages are getting the most traffic.

We’re eyes-on, too. We assess key customer website journeys, learning what works and where a competitor is doing better than your site. We share our learnings, so you can invest in improving and fixing your site so it’s fighting fit.

By understanding where your competitors’ websites work or don’t work, you can make informed decisions about improving your own website and ensuring visitors have a better experience.

PPC Competitor Analysis

We provide chapter and verse of competitor paid activity – what they’re targeting, what they’re winning and how you can close the gap.

While organic growth is vital, paid advertising can provide a business’s online visibility a welcome boost. Our paid advertising breakdown service looks at your competitors’ ad efforts on platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

We assess what they’re spending, the keywords they’re targeting, the design of their ads and if they’re getting a good return on their investment. Knowing this helps you allocate your ad budget wisely, ensuring you get more bang for your buck and reach potential customers more efficiently.

We create paid advertising strategies that optimise bidding, drive a lower CPC, target tactical opportunities and target market demographics that competitors often overlook.

  • Learn where competitors are spending their digital ad budget.
  • Spot paid advertising gaps and target demographics to address.
  • Optimise PPC bidding and realise a lower CPC for paid.

Social Media Competitor Analysis

Our social media listening and analysis platforms provide unique insights into competitors.

We assess social media platforms including LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and communities such as Reddit to discover how competitors are viewed, how they interact, posting and paid strategies, follower engagement and areas where they’re not performing.

We track brand mentions and brand sentiment, build actionable share of voice metrics, and pick apart competitor tactics so you can deliver and even more effective social media playbook for your business. From optimum posting schedules to active community engagement, we get your business ahead in social and in front of your target community.

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Marketing competitor analysis services – know thy enemy

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It’s about understanding who your competitors are, what they’re doing well, and where they might be falling short.

By conducting marketing competitor analysis and digging deep into competitor strategy data such as keyword targeting, the kinds of content they’re producing and the marketing channels they’re using, you can begin to identify gaps and opportunities for your business to take advantage of.


Of Fortune 500 companies use competitive intelligence.


Of marketers keep an eye on competitors and monitor performance.


Of firms say gaining a competitive advantage is a top 3 priority.


Of companies invest in some form of competitive intelligence.

"Submerge offers insightful and innovative approaches to digital strategy."

Michael Johnson, CEO, Laithwaites USA

Identify new, easy-win opportunities for SEO, web and social.

Understanding your competition is the cornerstone of an effective digital marketing strategy.

  • Cyber Essentials Certified.
  • WP Engine Certified.
  • SEMrush Agency Partners.

Understanding your competition is the cornerstone of an effective digital marketing strategy.

Through marketing competitor analysis, we can go deep into the strategy, tactics and techniques used by your industry rivals. But it’s not about copying – it’s about identifying opportunities and potential gaps in the market your business can fill.

With a full understanding of your competitors’ digital marketing strategies, your business can make smarter, data-driven decisions with increased chances of success. We cover SEO, website, social and digital marketing channels – providing insights into traffic, performance, reach and engagement with customers.

Your business can also better allocate resources for maximum impact and tailor your strategy to better meet the needs of your target audience. We can help you spot product and service gaps, or plan ways to offer more effective content or build better backlinks.

By leaning on the data we collect during competitor analysis, your business will be one step ahead of other businesses that only think they know what competitors are doing, and you’ll be able to better navigate your way to digital success.

Digital Marketing Strategy FAQs

Our marketing competitor analysis involves analysing competitor digital marketing strategies across various channels, such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing and email marketing.

Our aim is to gather actionable insights. For example, by analysing competitors’ SEO strategies, we can uncover keywords they’re targeting that you may have overlooked, offering a chance to optimise your own content and improve search rankings. Examining social media engagement can reveal what type of content resonates with your shared audience, highlighting opportunities to adjust your content strategy for better engagement.

Our analysis includes reviewing competitors’ customer reviews and feedback across platforms like Trustpilot or Google Reviews. This can provide valuable insights into what customers value or dislike about your competitors’ offerings, allowing you to tailor your products, services and customer service strategies accordingly.

It’s also important to monitor any shifts in your competitors’ strategies, such as new product launches or changes in marketing messaging. This can signal shifts in market trends or customer preferences, enabling you to anticipate market needs and adjust your strategy proactively rather than reactively.

Our goal with a comprehensive marketing competitor analysis is not just to keep pace with competitors but to anticipate market changes and innovate. This means continuously refining your digital marketing strategy to offer something unique and valuable to your target audience.

Competitor analysis offers a roadmap that can guide your digital marketing journey.

By understanding what your competitors are doing right or wrong with their digital marketing strategies, you can better refine your approach. This knowledge helps pinpoint gaps in the market, tailor your content and better allocate resources for maximum return on investment. It’s about anticipating moves, understanding market dynamics and positioning your business effectively for growth.

Regular check-ins with competitors are essential for keeping your business on track to success.

We’d suggest doing a full competitor analysis annually. However, it’s also beneficial to have smaller, more focused reviews every few months. The digital space evolves rapidly, and staying updated on competitors’ moves can help keep your strategy proactive.

When we conduct competitor analysis at Submerge, we examine multiple areas of your competitors’ strategies: their content quality and frequency, SEO tactics, social media presence, ad campaigns and customer engagement.

By looking at these elements, we get an overarching, holistic view of their digital approach, giving us insights into potential strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for your business.

After analysis, actionable insights are key.

As part of our digital strategy services, we’ll can provide you with a bespoke, detailed report with recommended steps based on your business’s digital marketing goals. Whether it’s tweaking your content strategy, reallocating ad spend or capitalising on a missed opportunity, our insights will be integrated into your digital plan to drive better results and keep you ahead in the marketplace.

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